About Me

Hi, great to have you visiting my site. Please spend the next 5 minutes to scroll down and find out more. I will like to share with you the 4 main reasons why my customers decided to engage me as their preferred consultant.
It is important to find the right Real Estate Consultant to help you with your needs. Make your service fee worth it.
2021 is my 12th year in the industry. All these years here, I have always upheld my belief in providing knowledge and service. Service is a big word to many but to me its all about being responsive to my customers and be able to solve their problems.
To me, PREVENTION is better than CURE. Why wait for the problem to arise? Why not prevent it from even happening? People choose to engage the service of a Real Estate Consultant is to look forward to having a carefree process and also to ensure that they have made the best decision through the advice for the consultant.
My belief has helped me strive in my career to be able to help and provide homeowners and property investors with the best advice and decisions. I hope to be able to help you out too. Please feel free to contact me.
Please feel free to drop me a message. Challenge me with your questions. I am very glad to be able to help you. I am quite confident to be able to answer your question directly on the phone. Many agents specialise themselves in a certain sector of the industry. But I believe to be able to serve my clients well, Knowledge is the key!
I continuously upgrade myself and today besides the usual HDB and Private property. I am also in the company En Bloc Team as well as the Luxury Property Team.